Friday 30 March 2012
// Static and non-static components
class One
static int n;  
static void show()
System.out.println("This is a static method");   

One(int a,int b)
System.out.println("Addition of two numbers");
System.out.println("Sum of two numbers "+c);
int a,b;
int c;

void display()
int d=50;
System.out.println("Sum :"+c);
System.out.println("D value :"+d);
class TestOne
public static void main(String ar[])
{;  //Static method show being called using its class name "One"
One ob1=new one(20,40);
One ob2;
ob2=new one(30,50);;                           //We can also call show method using objects

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Object Oriented Programming language and Object Based Programming language

In simple words 
Object Oriented = Object Based + Inheritance
In Object based programming you can create your own classes 

Object based languages no need follow the OOP concepts (inheritance)

Object based programming language supports all the features
of OOP except Inheritence

Object based Programming does not support the vital two features of Object Oriented language, which are inheritance and polymorphism

Saturday 9 July 2011

Java is an interesting programming language, it has gained the attention of all programmers since many years.

Having so many great features "Is Java difficult to learn???". We here at Kalashri Technologies say "No". Java is the most simple programming language. It is like learning and knowing the real world around us. Being in the so called backward area in Karnataka we are holding hands to provide a quality training for the people who want to enjoy the task of learning.

We educate the people in Java environment, it gives an immense pleasure providing training and technological solutions through Java.

Java is not just a name, it is one thing which has changed the way how we live our life

Old generation programming languages were rigid, forced the programmer to think the solution of a problem in terms of the underlying machine architecture.